Taurus is an astrological sign which originated from the constellation Taurus, and is the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus is classed as a negative or feminine, introverted, sign; its Element is Earth and its Quality is fixed. Traditionally in astrology Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. The opposite sign to Taurus is Scorpio. Under the tropical zodiac, Taurus is occupied by the Sun from April 20 to May 20. In house(astrology) the 2nd House is the house the Taurean rules, in the 2nd House dates are occupied on July 23 to August 7. The glyph is the alchemical symbol for rocksalt. In astrology the astrological signs represent twelve equal segments or divisions of the zodiac . According to astrological beliefs, celestial phenomena reflect or govern human activity on the principle as "as above, as below", so that the twelve signs at the same time are held to represent twelve basic personality types or characteristic modes of expression. The scientific community generally considers astrology as a pseudoscience or superstatios.; yet despite this, belief in astrology remains widespread.
Reference: www.google.com
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