Monday, December 31, 2007

Do you Feel Insecure?

If we make holiness our goal, we will attain happiness, if we make happiness our goal, we will search a lifetime and never find it. This is implied Jesus words in the sermon on the mount. He said that the way to blessedness is through the poverty of spirit, purity of heart, and a longing for righteousness.
Some people think happiness can be achieve by getting rid of retrictions. They reason this way: if rules nad regulations are eliminated, the frustration of having to decide between right and wrong is remove, thereby, avoiding separation in human relationships. Some mortal men says: it is kroe important to enjoy life and to be happy than to do righteous things. Being right and suffering is no fun. When this line of thought is applied to absolute standards of morality, man is in deep trouble. He denies the reality of sin in his heart as the source of all his woes. He forgets that all lasting joy is rooted in sepration. Separation from evil unto God.
No one who hungers and thirst after righteousness will be disappointed, even thoguh he may encounter pain, misunderstanding, and loneliness. Holiness is the only path to true and enduring happiness.

By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Friday, December 28, 2007

A Thousand Reason to Thank the Lord

All of us are some what familiar with that episode in the gospel about the ten lepers who were instantly cured by Jess himself, by sending them to the river Siloe to wash themselves,
By the way, how many among them went back to Jesus to thank him? Only one out ten.
Yes, indeed, we have all the reason to thank the Lord, in many times and many ways. From the rising of the sun in the morning dawn to the setting of the sun in the twilight. For a thousand reason to thank the Lord. The air we breath, the sun that gives ,light and energy both evil and good. The people we meet in our day to day existence. The food we eat; that good thoughts and inspiration that come on to light our confused mine; the good book of inspiration aricles we come to read that gives give life and guide our day to day existence. Even tryong situation that nag aoure days life,... All of these, we have the reason to thank the Lord, without ceasing.
The more we thank to the Lord, The more generous he becomes to us. If we wish to receive more grace and favor from him, thankahim without fail every moment fo the day. Even the daily if his answer to our prayers, we still owe him gratitude. Let us make the most of this truth, there's very little time left to us. Shall we start?
By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Blessed are they who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness for they shall be Satisfied

If we make holiness our goal, we will attain happiness, if we make happiness our goal, we will search a lifetime and never find it. This is implied Jesus words in the sermon on the mount. He said that the way to blessedness is through the poverty of spirit, purity of heart, and a longing for righteousness.
Some people think happiness can be achieve by getting rid of retrictions. They reason this way: if rules nad regulations are eliminated, the frustration of having to decide between right and wrong is remove, thereby, avoiding separation in human relationships. Some mortal men says: it is kroe important to enjoy life and to be happy than to do righteous things. Being right and suffering is no fun. When this line of thought is applied to absolute standards of morality, man is in deep trouble. He denies the reality of sin in his heart as the source of all his woes. He forgets that all lasting joy is rooted in sepration. Separation from evil unto God.
No one who hungers and thirst after righteousness will be disappointed, even thoguh he may encounter pain, misunderstanding, and loneliness. Holiness is the only path to true and enduring happiness.

By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

This is one of the most beautiful places in the world it is the Hanging graden of Babylon. Fruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from the palace terraces... Exotic animals... This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds. It may be surprising to know that they might have never existed except in Greek poets and historians imagination!
It is located in On the east bank of the River Euphrates, about 50 km south of Baghdad, Iraq.
The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King, Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It was not until the reign of Naboplashar (625-605 BC) of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory. His son, Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC) is credited for building the legendary Hanging Gardens. It is said that the Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife or concubine who had been "brought up in Media and had a passion for mountain surroundings".
While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter. Tablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens, although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are found. Even the historians who give detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw them. Modern historians argue that when Alexander's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were impressed. When they later returned to their rugged homeland, they had stories to tell about the amazing gardens and palm trees at Mesopotamia.. About the palace of Nebuchadnezzar.. About the Tower of Babel and the ziggurats. And it was the imagination of poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements together to produce one of the World Wonders.
It wasn't until the twentieth century that some of the mysteries surrounding the Hanging Gardens were revealed. Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the location of the Gardens, their irrigation system, and their true appearance.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

Is it simply a temple? How could it take its place among other unique structures such as the Pyramid, the Hanging Gardens, and the Colossus of Rhodes? For the people who actually visited it, the answer was simple. It was not just a temple... It was the most beautiful structure on earth... It was built in honor of the Greek goddess of hunting and wild nature. That was the Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus.

It is located in the ancient city of Ephesus near the modern town of Selcuk, about 50 km south of Izmir (Smyrna) in Turkey.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Leadership means Service

Sometimes I get the feeling that we are experiencing a leadership crisis among Christians. Although many people are so eager to assume the top position, but too few are so willing to accept and put into practice the biblical pattern of authority. They assumed leadership and think that leadership means absolute dominance, so they completely ignore the basic teachings of Jesus in this regard.
The pattern established by Christ for leadership int he church can be sumed up in one word: servanthood. Jesus himself exemplified this when he washed the feet of the disciple.
This willingness to serve thers and to give examples to them is a very good sign of Christianity in action. because of our willingness to take the role of servant before the eyes of men and God, it wil draw many souls to the service of God through his church as a whole.
You may be a Christian leader in your own church or in any club, and association. Show yourself that you are christian leader in action, not in words. Action speaks much louder than words. Words fly, but deeds remain and will be in the eyes and minds of those who witness you in action. " Be on the go" as leader of any group. Apply the principle of leadership in servanthood.
A leader does not begin to serve until he puts serving into his leadership.

By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Put all your Trust in God, not in your Riches

It would be praiseworthy and noble to reflect on this pointof the Bible taken from the book of the first letter of St. Paul to Timothy chapter 6: 17-19. "Charge the rich to this world not to be proud, and trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in God; Who provides all things in abundance for our enjoyment. Let them do good and be rich i god works, giving readily, sharing with others. And thus providing for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, in order that they may lay hold on to the true life."
In these verses, St. Paul admonished especially the few elect (who are rich and abundance of the earthly goods) not to trust in there money, but in God; who provides everything in abundance. he exhorts them to do good to others by way of sharing and freely giving to those who have less. Not to be proud and arrogant to others because they have much money and can afford to pay for a life of a person. God is not please with these! It is absolutely sinful and in human!
Let us be reminded of that warning Jesus had given to the rich is recorded in the gospel: "It would be easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter heaven."
For us, who have less in life, let us have a contest in growing rich in doing good works, so that the end of our life Christ jesus will give us the reward He had promise to those who fought a good fight for heaven's sake!
By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

You maybe Forsaken by Men but you'll never be Forsaken by God

The sting of the present economy of this current world that carries heartache and disappointments in day to day existence offer us heavy thoughts on despondency that God has frosaken us.
In truth and in fact, God has not forsaken us nor will he ever forsaken us. Once he said: "If a mother who carries the baby in her womb for nine months willl never to forget her child, so do I will nevr forget you. I had purchased you so dearly and paid for you, with a high price of my most precious blood."
Fellow believers in Christ, if the present happenings aew a burden to our life, let us lift up our eyes towards heaven and sigh fot the heavenly rewards that awit those who bear all things in this world patiently and courageously till the end. Afterall God does not ask us, if we have coped the latest nodel in dresses, hairdoes, in latest attire. When we die, God will only ask one thing and that is: "How much we have love God through our fellowmen." This is the foremost and the most. God will never ask for anything else.
So let us not be preoccupied with other matters, so that we will not have those discouraging thoughts that God has forsaken us. God loves us, so muchthat he wil never abandon us.
By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Monday, December 10, 2007

Service is the Right of All

No one has the right to hate even a single living creature. The best we can do is to serve only. We should bear in mind that every living creature verily bears the living manifestation of God. We must remember also that the credit of service is not ours, the credit is due to him, He alone who has given us the strength to serve; whose Idealism has inspired us to acquire capacity of rendering the service.
Life is not analogous to a pool of muddy, stagnant water. Life resembles an ever flowing spring, pushing aside the stone of obstrustion and difficulties, while marching on with vigorous speed as its nature. Hence, it is clear that he who wants to keep away from obstacles has lost the purpose of life-verily, he is lost and dead. The graveyard, not society should not be abode.
Marching together of all in unision is termed as society. Instead of despising those who have lagged behind, help them to advance. This alone will be your social DUTY!. Let us deepen our personal reflections on these point!

By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Sunday, December 9, 2007

God wil never fail Us

God never fail us!
Yes, it is true, He never will fail us.
Time and again, we wonder why some of our prayers are left unheard and unanswred. Then we start to conclude thatGod has failed us. He will never fail us. instead, we often fail him.
God knows well what is best for us. it is not up for us to dedicate him what to do and what to give us. But, we are free to tell him all our needs. He said, "Ask and you shall receive . knock and it shall be opened unto you." At other times, in the gospel, Jesus said: "Seek ye first he kingdom of God and all these thing shall be given unto you!" HE said it so again, we seek first his kingdom that is, His will be first sought be followed then in return, He wil give us what we need.
God did not promise to give us al we wanted, but what we need. Therefore if the things we asked him were not granted; we should not lose heart, for the Father knows well what is best for his children. Or, perhaps we dont really need that particular thing.
We must alsi discipline ourselves that prayer is not only for asking. Prayer is primarily for praising, thanking and adoring. Most people pray when they feel there needs. And when they receive the fullness of their needs, they forget to thank God. Remember the Ten lepers! jesus, never failed them, but they failed Jesus.
By: Molen C. Lopecillo

Saturday, December 8, 2007


It is a kind of desktop computer which is usually use by a company or even in business. Computer now are so important for those businesses. Because you can get an information by searching to the net. Thats the use of computer now a days. Because of it businessman/woman can access information from the other side of the globe. Computer also very helpful for the student such me, but now a days student are getting addicted to computer when it comes to its games. There are various type of computer now. There are also Notebookcomputer now which is indemand now a days, because you can bring it anywhere you go.But if you think that desktop computers are not expensive ok. Some of it cost 17,000 but there are some of the computer now a days is being sell by the manufacturer in a low cost. But dont expect that notebook computers are like those desktop computer that you can made to buy for only 13,000. some of it cost 66,000.

By: John larry Limbo