Sunday, December 9, 2007

God wil never fail Us

God never fail us!
Yes, it is true, He never will fail us.
Time and again, we wonder why some of our prayers are left unheard and unanswred. Then we start to conclude thatGod has failed us. He will never fail us. instead, we often fail him.
God knows well what is best for us. it is not up for us to dedicate him what to do and what to give us. But, we are free to tell him all our needs. He said, "Ask and you shall receive . knock and it shall be opened unto you." At other times, in the gospel, Jesus said: "Seek ye first he kingdom of God and all these thing shall be given unto you!" HE said it so again, we seek first his kingdom that is, His will be first sought be followed then in return, He wil give us what we need.
God did not promise to give us al we wanted, but what we need. Therefore if the things we asked him were not granted; we should not lose heart, for the Father knows well what is best for his children. Or, perhaps we dont really need that particular thing.
We must alsi discipline ourselves that prayer is not only for asking. Prayer is primarily for praising, thanking and adoring. Most people pray when they feel there needs. And when they receive the fullness of their needs, they forget to thank God. Remember the Ten lepers! jesus, never failed them, but they failed Jesus.
By: Molen C. Lopecillo

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